
This page presents an example letter to the publishers of a book that wrongly display the extent of the Great Wall of China. This page is only an example, so you may adjust the contents of the letter to suit your taste or write one on your own. We highly recommend using our website (as a whole) as a good model to inform about the errors on such books. 🙂

(Please visit this website for more examples of letters.)


Title : Revision request regarding errors about the Great Wall of China on <book title>

Dear <name of the chief editor> and to whom concerned

Hello, I am <your name> from <where you are from> and recently I was reading your <book title>, ISBN <#############>. While reading the <###> page long book, it seemed that your book described many interesting details regarding <theme of the book>, but I have found some errors on the book that did not match the actual facts about East Asian geography and history.


(This example describes the situation where the Great Wall is extended into the Korean Peninsula)

The errors on your book are about the Great Wall of China, which is, as you may know, one of the most famous heritages of China.

On page <###> and page <###>, your maps showing the map of East Asia incorrectly describes the length of the Great Wall of China. As you may see on the page I am referring to, the Great Wall is extended into the Korean Peninsula. However, in fact, in not any historic periods, the Great Wall of China had ever extended into the Korean Peninsula. The Wall is not displayed on any historical maps of Korea. Supposing that the Wall were extended further into the Korean Peninsula, Korean history maps should also include the Wall, but it never did. So here we can speculate that something had gone wrong.

The main reason for the Wall to be erroneously described is mainly due to the Northeast Project proceeded by the Chinese government from 2002 to 2007. Within and after the project, the Chinese government has been making a distorted claim that, based on the current Chinese border, all fortresses within its territory are parts of the Great Wall of China, and through this, China is trying to manipulate the history of Goguryeo and Balhae of Korea into Chinese history.

The original eastern end of the Great Wall is Shanhaiguan in Hebei Province near Beijing. Shiji and Shiji Zhengyi, the historical records of Chinese history do express that the Wall did not extend past the Liao river.

You may also visit this website for many details on how the Great Wall of China has been distorted in <theme of the book> books such as yours. Especially, this homepage targets to help publishers like you to figure out the concept of history distortion done with the Great Wall of China. On this website, you may also find out that there are other types of errors regarding the extent of the Great Wall.

I understand that the Great Wall of China is a representative cultural heritage of China that is essentially introduced in world history books. Stories about the Wall is almost always described, but with the description of the Wall, China is covertly disguising the history of Goguryeo and Balhae. If the history of Goguryeo and Balhae are distorted with the description of the Wall on your book, in the near future, readers worldwide will naturally perceive the history of Goguryeo and Balhae as Chinese history. This is basically turning away from the truth and is following the Chinese government’s long-time plan for distorting the history of East Asia.

Please take a moment to give a careful consideration on this issue.